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Recreation Committee Minutes 2014/10/14
Sunapee Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2014

Charleen Osborne, Mike Pollari, John Augustine, Rhonda Gurney, Tanner Royce, Paul Skarin, Scott Blewitt.
Next meeting:
November 11, 2014 6:30 PM, Town Office
  • Agenda Items
  • Meeting Minutes: Adjust “Chad Scott” to “Scott” Motion to accept – Tanner, Seconded – Mike, All in Favor.

  • Pitcher’s Mound
  • Questions about artificial mound.
  • Life expectancy?
Is it cost effective?
Motion: Charleen – Acquire a portable mound, Seconded – Rhonda. Discussion to follow

  • We would like the coaches to have input on the purchase of the actual mound
  • What would best suit all needs
  • Can the coaches move it? Keep track of it etc.?
  • Motion: Tanner – install permanent clay mound. Seconded – Mike. Discussion to follow
  • Install the mound and see how the season progresses. We will look into a portable mound for the future.

  • Christmas in the Harbor:
  • Rhonda is still waiting on confirmation on the use of Jenkins Dance Studio.
  • Date is set for Dec 6th.
Rhonda is always looking for more help for this event.

  • 2015 Budget:
  • Scott would like to see us add a warrant article to set up a Capital Reserve Fund for $25,000.00
Motion to establish $25,000.00 Recreational Facilities Capital Reserve Fund – Mike. Seconded – Rhonda. 4 in favor, 1 oppose, 1 abstains. Motion passes

        John questioned the hours of beach staff, are they keeping busy? Would cutting back hours make them busier? Answer: Not really, the current hours are there due to current demands. Also question about boats at the beach…do we need replacements? Answer: Current fleet can meet our needs.

  • Turkey Trot:
  • Always looking for volunteers
  • Christine O’Halloran is coordinating volunteers this year

  • Jon Reed – movie event:
  • Rec Dept. has donated $250.00 from the “entertainment” line item of the budget to help facilitate this event.
Mike: Motion to adjourn, Rhonda: Seconded, All in Favor